Where everyone was a Saint

even soldiers and kings

which embraced Wales, Cornwall, and Brittany

© 2011-2014 by Dylan Stephens

I am hoping that you have found this site Celtic Christianity and its sister site King Arthur Studies helpful.
I have finally finished my book:

Arthur: King and Saint
As told by his dual identity:
Athruis - St.Armel

It contains copious footnotes (numbers shown in all, linked automatically in ebook, or manually in paperback)
Rather than being another fantasy book, these footnotes back up the facts from verified historical sources.
It is available as a hardcover, paperback, and ebook as almost cost price:
  • The Hardcover $32.66 reads like a novel with large photos but with no footnotes.
  • The Paperback $71.80 contains story and footnotes which allows for complete documentation.
  • The ebook $9.99 is cheaper and allows the ability to follow the reference links.
My recommendation is to buy the ebook and the hardcover.
Click for sample first chapter
My other Kindle Books below
Purchase the paperback and you to get the Kindle book free.
Paulina's Promise to her Grandfather, Jesus
USA: Paulina's Promise to her
Grandfather, Jesus

The Seven Sisters and the Apocalypse

USA: The Seven Sisters and
the Apocalypse

The Pesher of Christ
New release $19.99:
The Pesher of Christ
Funded by Infinite Soulutions Foundation
An IRS approved Charitable Non-profit Organization under Internal Revenue
Code, 501(c)(3) (IRS EIN 91-1580122, WA. State UBI #601-434-076

Interesting history:
Discussing the positions of Lewis Chessmen
King Arthur Studies

Books and songs:
Crystal Dolphin Records and Books Books:
Magnetic Disturbance (Time Travel in the the Law of Seven) Songs:
Buffalo Rising (Songs of Spirit)
Lords of Tiamat (Heavy Mystical, Metal with Mystical Direction)
Lords of Tiamat on YouTube
Penga (Marimba & Drums)

My blogs:
Unicorn Letters
The Pesher of Christ

My web sites:
Pesher of Christ
Infinite SOULution Foundation

If you used this site, I would love to hear from you. Best wishes, Dylan